Faq Category: benefits of cladding

  • Resource Conservation

    Sustainable equipment practices, facilitated by increased longevity, contribute to the conservation of natural resources by optimizing the use of materials and reducing the need for replacements

  • Waste Reduction

    Longer equipment lifespan results in fewer discarded components, minimizing the amount of waste generated and promoting responsible waste management.

  • Leak Reduction

    Extended equipment life decreases the frequency of manufacturing and disposal, reducing the associated emissions, leaks and risks of environmental pollutants.

  • Energy Efficiency

    Less corrosion and less wear improves efficiency and life expectancy equipment, contributing to overall energy conservation and sustainability efforts. It also reduces downtime and manpower needed to service the equipment.

  • Reduced Material Consumption

    Longer-lasting equipment means less frequent replacement, reducing the need for raw materials and minimizing the environmental impact of production. Reduces material and mining costs by using lesser steels as the base metal and the weld overlay takes on the functionality of the ideal alloy.

  • Abrasion Protection

    Components subject to abrasive forces, such as those in mining or manufacturing, benefit from cladding by increasing resistance to abrasive wear. Drill bits, shaft collars, blades, and buckets.

  • Temperature Resistance

    Cladding can improve the equipment’s ability to withstand extreme temperatures, ensuring stability and functionality in challenging operating conditions. High Temperature oil cracking, coke furnaces, trash burning, waste heat recovery.

  • Chemical Resistance

    The protective layer formed with cladding shields equipment from chemical exposure, preventing degradation and maintaining performance. Pitting Corrosion, Hydrogen Attack, Intergranular Corrosion, Microbial Induced Cracking.

  • Wear Resistance

    Hard Facing Overlay (HFO) enhances the surface hardness, reducing wear and tear on components subjected to friction, abrasion, or erosion. Pistons, sand wash, mud, grit product.

  • Corrosion Resistance

    Corrosion Resistant Overlay (CRO) provides a protective barrier against corrosive substances, extending the lifespan of equipment exposed to harsh environments. H2S, hydrogen sulfide, CO2, alkaline, methane.